Unfortunately Thanksgiving is a holiday not celebrated in Europe; no Thanksgiving turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, moms famous corn casserole, and of course pumpkin pie, but even without the food traditions I still like to spend today being thankful for all the wonderful gifts I've been given in my life.
Jesse and Ciara and I in Florence |
I am so incredibly thankful for my huge family! Growing up with five siblings and loving parents was more of a blessing than I realized. It's so uplifting having people around you that will support and love you no matter. For example, when I made my decision to stop going to college and to travel instead, when I told my mother, instead of telling me I was making a bad decision or that my education was more important, she told me to go for it, to live my dreams and have a great time exploring! That was a great boost of confidence that helped me along my way. In the end they even came to visit me while I was in Italy and we had an incredible time together! Of course we fight and argue like any family does, but putting that aside we have so much fun and love each other dearly. I am also grateful for the huge extended family I have as well! Tons of cousins, aunts, uncles, and wonderful grandparents here and departed. Alisha, a cousin of mine, and I have always had a great relationship and along with being family, I'd say she's one of my very best friends! We have a pretty similar quirky personality, come to think of it, one great thing about my entire family is how fun they are! There is never a dull moment.
Kids in Greece |
I'm thankful for the blessed and fortunate life I have been able to lead thus far. Having spent last year working in Italy and traveling around it, the last few months here in Paris and big plans for Southeast Asia in my future. Not to mention all the vacations I've been on with my family in the past and the three weeks I spent on a missions trip in Bolivia. I love to travel and it is far beyond exciting. All the new experiences and lessons I learn, along with meeting magnificent new people and getting to be fully immersed in new cultures. I couldn't be happier.

I am so very thankful for my friends.Friends from home that I've known and loved for years, and friends that I've met on the road that have become part of my life. My best friend Sydney who is there for me anytime I need her!And whenever I return home, we pick up right where we left off, as if I'd never even left. Also my boyfriend Tyler, we first dated when we were 11, and now all these years later having been friends this whole time, have found our way back to each other. He's kind and fun and loves me for everything that I am and everything that I'm not, and he's also a total babe ;) Living in a small town you keep many of the same friends for years and years and I am grateful for long standing friendships such as those. In the time I've lived abroad, I've become friends with people from all over the world! Some of these girls I feel as though I've known forever. I've met so many wonderful people in my life and I am so happy to know them and I love thinking of all the adventures and great times we have had and will continue to have! Friends make life sweeter and it's much more fulfilling to share in life's pleasures than to do them alone.

I'm thankful for Jesus and the fact that He died on the cross to save me. I'm thankful every day for the gifts the Lord has given me in my life and will continue to provide. I love the way He made me me, with a strong will, a deep compassion for others, and a love for all life around me! I'm grateful for this earth He's given us to live on and that which I will do my best to help protect! I'm thankful for the opportunities He provides and the plan He has for me.
Everything in life can be a blessing if we choose to perceive it as such.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
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