Water has become a commodity. To such an extent that people are dying because they cannot afford to purchase water. Water corporations are making huge profit by buying water sources around the world without any consideration for the people this affects. This is called water privatization.
From cities in America, to entire countries in Africa, water corporations are taking away peoples basic human right to our most vital life source. In Ghana, taps turn on once a week inconsistently, so they must be kept on and whilst on the meter is running and they are being charged. In a small village in Africa, to young girls were at home whilst their mother was at work. Their shack caught fire and burnt with the two girls still inside. The neighbors said that they could not afford the water to put out the fire.
Many of you will now be thinking how does this affect me? Well, 97% of the world's water is salt water so there's much less of it than you think. If that weren't a big enough problem, by bottling the water and sending it around the world, we are no longer allowing the water to continue its natural cycle. Purchasing a liter bottle of water costs on average $2.00, while a liter of water of the same or better quality from a tap costs only $0.0005. The companies selling us this bottled water such as; Coca-Cola (Dasani), Nestle (Perrier), Veolia, Suez and Bechtel are also responsible for selling people their own water at a price they can't afford. Three European water corporations are partnered with the World Bank, and together they relieve the debt of many less developed countries in exchange for complete rights over their water supplies.
This is only the beginning of an incomprehensibly huge problem. Which is why we are spreading awareness and making a difference but we need your help. In countries that have kicked out these corporations, it wasn't done by the government, but by the people. You can help by spreading the message, and making a conscious effort not to buy bottled water or products sold by the previously mentioned companies, try to buy as locally sourced food as possible, buy a reusable water bottle, turn off your tap when you aren't using it and BECOME A WATER GUARDIAN OF THE 21ST CENTURY!!
Thank you so much for taking time to read this message, instead of watching your usual evening movie, why don't you watch this documentary which will explain more in depth the extent of this problem and will hopefully inspire you further.
From cities in America, to entire countries in Africa, water corporations are taking away peoples basic human right to our most vital life source. In Ghana, taps turn on once a week inconsistently, so they must be kept on and whilst on the meter is running and they are being charged. In a small village in Africa, to young girls were at home whilst their mother was at work. Their shack caught fire and burnt with the two girls still inside. The neighbors said that they could not afford the water to put out the fire.
Many of you will now be thinking how does this affect me? Well, 97% of the world's water is salt water so there's much less of it than you think. If that weren't a big enough problem, by bottling the water and sending it around the world, we are no longer allowing the water to continue its natural cycle. Purchasing a liter bottle of water costs on average $2.00, while a liter of water of the same or better quality from a tap costs only $0.0005. The companies selling us this bottled water such as; Coca-Cola (Dasani), Nestle (Perrier), Veolia, Suez and Bechtel are also responsible for selling people their own water at a price they can't afford. Three European water corporations are partnered with the World Bank, and together they relieve the debt of many less developed countries in exchange for complete rights over their water supplies.
This is only the beginning of an incomprehensibly huge problem. Which is why we are spreading awareness and making a difference but we need your help. In countries that have kicked out these corporations, it wasn't done by the government, but by the people. You can help by spreading the message, and making a conscious effort not to buy bottled water or products sold by the previously mentioned companies, try to buy as locally sourced food as possible, buy a reusable water bottle, turn off your tap when you aren't using it and BECOME A WATER GUARDIAN OF THE 21ST CENTURY!!
Thank you so much for taking time to read this message, instead of watching your usual evening movie, why don't you watch this documentary which will explain more in depth the extent of this problem and will hopefully inspire you further.